Jalapeno Cornbread

Happy Valentine's Day! We're trying to decide what we're going to cook for dinner. We weren't too psyched about fighting the crowds and figured we could make something just as delicious at home. I'm thinking of perhaps a chocolate lava cake for dessert. We've never made them before, but how can you go wrong with a melted chocolate surprise?! We'll keep ya posted about that. .

As for this post, we made a shrimp & grits meal a while ago and decided to try some homemade cornbread to go with it. This was our first attempt and we looked at several different recipes for the main ingredients. The rest we just kind of threw together and got lucky because it was delicious! It's definitely got a kick, so feel free to cut down on the number of jalapenos you use. We'll be posting the shrimp & grits recipe soon so be on the look-out!


  • 1 cup yellow cornmeal
  • 1 cup all-purpose flour
  • 1 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/2 tsp baking soda
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 1/4 cups well-shaken low-fat buttermilk
  • 1/2 stick (4 tbsp) salted butter
  • 1 2 oz. jar diced pimentos, drained
  • 1/3 cup jarred jalapeno slices


  1. Put rack in middle of oven. Preheat to 425F. Spray a 8-inch baking pan with cooking spray.
  2. Mix cornmeal, flour, baking powder, and baking soda together in a medium bowl.
  3. In a small bowl, whisk together eggs, buttermilk and butter. Add to dry mixture and stir batter just until combined.
  4. Put baking pan in oven for 5 minutes to heat. Remove with hot-pad and pour in cornbread mixture.
  5. Bake until golden and sides slightly pull away from edges of pan, about 35-40 minutes.


Mary Bergfeld said...

What a tasty side. I hope the two of you have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Blessings...Mary

Joanne said...

Happy V-Day! I hear you on not wanting to brave the masses. I have a feeling the outside world is going to be intense. And there's something about a homecooked meal (and melted chocolate) that are quite appealing.

Love the heat of jalapeno in the cornbread! Way to spice things up.

pam said...

My hubby would love this. He loves all things jalapeno!

Kerstin said...

Mmm, we're big cornbread fans and this spicy version sounds great!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Anonymous said...

I love a good cornbread :)
Hope you had a wonderful Valentines Day!
*kisses* HH

The Duo Dishes said...

Definitely want to see your shrimp and grits. That is a favorite. Happy Vday!

Conor @ HoldtheBeef said...

I first tried cornbread when in North America a couple of years ago (it just isn't something we eat in Australia) and to be honest I didn't quite understand why it is so popular. I'm totally willing to give it another chance if it has jalapenos in it though!

3 hungry tummies said...

That is a smart way to celebrate the day! What a nice meal you have there!

grace said...

you know, i can't recall a time when i saw pimentos used in cornbread--great idea! the green jalapenos and red pimentos almost make me wish it was christmas again. :)

Debbie said...

I love making homemade cornbread and will have to try this. Sounds wonderful!

Ana said...

Uhmmmm!!! estarĂ­a delicioso!!!!

Un saludo!!!

sophia said...

Cornbread on Valentines? Oooh...instant love!! And with that little spicy kick, too!

Jackie at PhamFatale.com said...

That's a whole lot of chiles. I love chocolate lava cakes. I love serving the molten center with a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. The contrast of temperature is divine :)

Barbara said...

Looks like a great recipe! I've been meaning to try Barefoot Contessa's jalapeno cornbread, just never got around to it. Now I'll try yours!

Rose said...

Cornbread is only made better with the addition of jalapenos! Looks fantastic! We stayed at home too, no point in sub-par food served to huge crowds on V-Day!

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